Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to deal with selfish people...!!

Many times in our offices and in social activities we find selfish people. Many times we unable to say them that you cant do that favor or thing for them and you end up helping them and favoring them against your own will. This will teach you how to deal with such people and save your time and stress after that.

You should be Confident and Serious :
You have right to say "No" to anyone with whom you don't feel comfortable. You need to understand this. When you take yourself seriously and if you have confidence on yourself then it you will get power to say No to selfish people.
Example :
Suppose in office your colleague is selfish and if he wants to leave early and wants you to do his remaining work for the day and if your so much busy with your own work that's why your staying late in the night then you can imagine how much it will cost you, either you will be not able to complete your own work or you will be spending whole night in the office to finish his an your work and that too against your own will. Better to say No in this case than increasing your stress.

Selfish people always try to convince you :
Suppose after many months your taking leave and planned for holidays on beach. If any selfish person comes at you and asks you that can you help me in particular thing since your on leave. You should stand on your own plan. They will try 1000 tricks to convince you by telling you about there problems, limitations and how bad there luck is but still you have to stand by your plan and say NO. Dont feel guilty or sad because your saying no to them, feel confident about yourself that your working according to your plan and making yourself happy.You can say no to anything you want. As long as you know that sometimes, it okay to say no. You should never feel guilty for saying no when you have weighed the options and the outcome benefits everyone but you. It is not wrong to say no. So if you did nothing wrong, you have nothing to feel guilty about.

Silence :
This will work 100 percent of the time. It will also show you who your true friends really are. After you say no, say nothing. Don’t react, don’t argue, don’t say anything. It may sound mean but in this case, silence is golden. By not responding, it causes your adversary (for lack of a better word) to begin to look at you differently. At this point they are now reading you non-verbal communication, your body language to see if you are serious. By not responding, they cant take what you said the wrong way. Why? Because you didn’t say anything other then NO...