Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The gift of being a single...

Hi folks...this is one of the philosophy i read from my friends blog. sharing with you...Its the diffrent way of looking at your life, if your single!!

The gift of being single. I have a blessing, which is sometimes seen as a curse. I am blessed with the gift of being single.

It seems the world has already come up with its own set of expectations on how we should live life. The world expects us to finish school in our early twenties, get a job, and find the love of our lives by the time we reach our mid-twenties, marry and have kids. But the thing is, not everyone sees his or her dreams come true in the same way.

The Art of Contentment. For most of us, being single will be more of a phase than a final destination. This is the best place to practice the art of contentment. Someday, I'm sure most of us will fall in love and get married. But the thing is, love will always be tested. Someone more pretty, more charming, richer, funnier, would come along. If you have not practiced the art of contentment as a single person, chances are you would be tempted to want that and not cherish your chosen one. Practicing the Art of Contentment as a single person means that you take what life gives you, good or bad.

Being single is a time of your life when you can get to know yourself better. You can pursue different interests and passions without having to ask another person's approval. It is a phase when you can keep focus on other things, discover your potentials and talents, and see yourself become more than what you expect to be. Try to get to know yourself first before you try to get to know other people. To be truly loved means to be known and accepted for who you are.

Treat this stage of your life as a phase to evaluate who is good for you and who is best for you. Sometimes, you won't hear music, or feel magic to know who's best for you. The heart just knows and it doesn't need any romantically charged scenario to decide on the matter. Trust in your heart, and trust that time will eventually lead you to, not to the perfect partner, but to the most suitable partner for you.

Being married doesn't guarantee that it will make your life happy. It doesn't guarantee anything at all. Sometimes, it only brings two miserable people together only to make their life even more miserable. Without the right intention, the emotional maturity, financial security and unwavering love, you're better off unattached.

Living Life. Don't put your life on hold for Ms. Right but don't let it waste away with Ms. Wrong. Life is about things that you do and happen to you everyday. It's not about the things that could have happened but never did, or things that you think would happen in the future. Live life now. Live it to the fullest and stop beating you up, trying to be perfect on a date. Allow life to surprise you with its most wonderful blessings...!!

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